
Does Google Like My Website?


When your website doesn’t seem to come up when people type something into Google, you start to wonder if you’ve done something wrong. Since Google is so tight-lipped on exactly how they rank one website over another, its hard to know what improvements need to be made so your site does better in searches.In this video, Eric Spellmann, lists the three key ingredients that Google looks for in your website. Through testing and parsing Google’s own hints on this subject, Eric has found that ANY site that follows these simple rules can do much better in their search engine ranking!


Note from Eric: Below, you will find a word-for-word transcript of this video. I provide this as an aid for the hearing-impaired and for those who might just want to read it rather than watch the video. This conversational style is not reflective of how I write. Be nice! Hey, I’m Eric Spellmann and today’s subject is Does Google Like My Website? Well there’s a number of questions we need to ask in order to answer that very important question. Because keep in mind, if Google doesn’t like you, you’re not gonna show up well!

What Does Google Like?

First, is your website built logically? Believe it or not, Google now looks at how a website is built. And what I mean is from a structure standpoint, from an information standpoint. In other words, if you’re gonna talk about a broad subject like cookies, is there a page on cookies? And then maybe some pages off of that like Chocolate Chip cookies, Vanilla Wafers etc.

You want to break it down logically. In order for Google to consider you relevant for cookies, it’s got to feel that you are truly relevant for the subject and the topic of cookies. So look at your website. Is it designed logically? Is it designed like in a tree structure so that Google can look at it and see what the overall topic is. Because keep in mind, Google looks at your entire website and tries to figure out what is it about. And if you just randomly throw pages here and there, it makes it harder for Google to understand.

Is it filled with spider food? Now by spider food I mean content. Now people, I’ve done episodes on what kind of content we’re talking about here. It’s basically text. You know it’s got to be conversational, it’s got to be unique and it’s got to be updated quite a bit. And you can watch those videos on how to do that.

But the key is you need to go through your website and actually look at the content, the quality of the content and read it from a human perspective. Is your website the most relevant for what you’re wanting to be found on Google? Because believe it or not, Google is starting to look at websites like people look at websites.

It’s no longer about keywords and how many times this word appears on this page. Google is looking at your entire site. It’s looking at all the content on your site and not only certain keywords, it understands synonyms, it looks for topics. So if your website does not have that kind of content or if your website is just all pictures but no text. Well theres no spider food there. And so the spider bots are not gonna find very much to rank you there.

It it updated regularly? Google actually looks at how many times your website is updated. How often you’re going in and making changes. Now keep in mind when I say updated, let me be very specific. I’m not talking about simply making 1 change on 1 word on 1 page, so that Google thinks you’ve updated your site. NO!

When I say updated, I mean add to. Your website should be growing by pages every month. Maybe 1 page, 2 pages or extra 3 pages. The larger your site grows, the more content your site has, the more relevant Google’s going to feel your website is for a whole bunch of searches.

Some people ask me how will they know what Google thinks of their website? Well the easiest way is to go install Webmaster Tools onto your website. Webmaster Tools is a piece of Google Analytics. It’s totally free. You can just Google “Google Webmaster Tools” and it will walk you through installing it on your website.

And that is how you’ll find out how people are actually finding you, what search phrases on Google are actually showing you, and if Google even knows about your website in the first place. So check it out Webmaster Tools which are totally free.

As always I’m Eric Spellmann with Spellmann & Associates, I’ll see you in cyberspace.