
What is a Landing Page?


Do you have a landing page? What? You don’t know what that is? Well, keep reading.In this video, Eric Spellmann explains the various types of web pages on the Net. He reminds you of your goals with a website and explains where the landing page fits in your overall marketing strategy.

Sites without a strategy for their landing pages will not see the same success as business owners who understand that page’s true value!


Note from Eric: Below, you will find a word-for-word transcript of this video. I provide this as an aid for the hearing-impaired and for those who might just want to read it rather than watch the video. This conversational style is not reflective of how I write. Be nice! Hey I am Eric Spellmann with EricSpellmann.com. And yep you’ve noticed that I’m wearing a hat. Where did the spiky hair go? Well, I’m filming this on a Saturday morning and I just didn’t want to do my hair, so yeah. It looks like yeah. So I’m wearing a hat today and you’ll just have to deal.

Today we’re going to be talking about a landing page. What is a landing page? You’ve heard that all over the place especially in the online marketing world. Exactly when people talk about going to either a webpage or a home page or a landing page, what does that mean? So let’s cover it.

Basically the key is to understand the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). When people pull you up on the internet, when people do a search on Google and they get that big list of results on Google, that page is known as the Search Engine Results Page. Now you’ve probably noticed that in a lot of cases when you click on a link you will go to the home page of a website.

Now the home page is the first page of a website. Think of it as the front door, it’s where they want you to go first. But sometimes you’ll get to other pages on their website. And that’s okay. People don’t always have to go to your home page first.

And in fact, to get the answer they want, many times instead of going through the front door, we send em through the window. And that’s based on what Google considers relevant. And there are a lot of pages on your website that Google may consider more relevant than your home page.

The key is to understand your navigation strategy. What is it that you want people to do? Well remember, your number 1 goal, and I’ve said this a million times, your number 1 goal is a conversion.

We want to turn them from an anonymous looker on your website to a sale, or an anonymous viewer on your website to a lead. We’ve got to convert them somehow. So, keep that in the top of your mind no matter what you do here.

The method we’re going to do that is by fewest possible clicks. Because remember, everyone on the internet had ADD and they’re lazy. And the tools we’re going to use to do that, the tools we’re going to use to get to that conversion with the fewest possible clicks are what I call teasers and calls to action on certain pages. The key is understanding where you want people to land.

What page you want them to start at? And it doesn’t have to be your home page. If they’re doing a search for a very specific product would you rather them be going straight to that product’s page where they can click By Now or Add to Shopping Cart?

If they’re looking for a very specific service from your company don’t you want them to go straight to that page and not have to figure out how to get there?

There are all sorts of special landing pages you can create. And yes a landing page is just a web page. But it’s one in which you expect people to start at, it’s one in which you expect people to land on, by-passing your home page.

The most common landing page usually occurs with a Pay per Click Campaign (PPC). And if you don’t know what that is folks, go watch my video on Should you Pay for a Click. It’ll explain it. But in a pay per click campaign, we create an ad and there is a link in that ad and when someone clicks on the link, it goes to a page.

And I’ll be honest; it shouldn’t go to your home page. It should go straight to the page that gets em closest to the conversion.

Event pages. Maybe you’re having some big fund-raiser; maybe you’re
having some big party, some big event. Well, that could be a landing page where you want people to go first and it has all the information they need. So when they do a search on that event, that page comes up and that’s where they land.

A lot of times people will use landing pages for A-B testing. Now what that means is they’re trying to figure out which type of page generates more conversion? So what they’ll do is they’ll duplicate a page. And then they’ll setup their software, and Google can handle this, they’ll setup their software to where when someone clicks on a link it’ll send some of em here and some of them there.

And then they’ll look at the statistics and see which page converted more. You see, there’ll be some changes on each page. Maybe there’s different wording on this page than this page or different picture on this page than this page. And they’ll measure to see which one works better. And then turn off the one that wasn’t working and then work on the one that was working.

Remember our goal is always to increase conversions. And through testing, that’s one of the best ways to do it.

Well as always, if you have any questions on this just go to my Facebook page or go to my website and ask me, I’ll be happy to answer them for you. I am Eric Spellmann; I’ll see you in cyberspace.